发布于 2019-09-06 / 456 阅读 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞

删除 git 大文件提交记录


BFG Repo-Cleaner

拉取一个需要处理的 git 仓库的镜像版本
[root@test git]# mkdir -p /root/git
[root@test git]# cd/root/git
[root@test git]# git clone --mirror http://localhost/test/test_platform.git
克隆到裸版本库 'test_platform.git'...
Username for 'http://localhost': blank
Password for 'http://blank@localhost': 
remote: Counting objects: 40988, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16117/16117), done.
remote: Total 40988 (delta 20523), reused 35465 (delta 17423)
接收对象中: 100% (40988/40988), 637.55 MiB | 39.33 MiB/s, done.
处理 delta 中: 100% (20523/20523), done.
[root@test git]# ll
总用量 13156
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13465496 9月   6 15:15 bfg-1.13.0.jar
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root     4096 9月   6 15:17 test_platform.git

检查当前 git 仓库大小 可以看到有 652MB 纯文本的代码不可能有这么大的

[root@test git]# du --max-depth=1 -h
639M	./test_platform.git
652M	.
[root@test git]# ls
bfg-1.13.0.jar  test_platform.git

执行处理脚本 意思是处理超过 100MB 大小的文件

[root@test git]# java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --strip-blobs-bigger-than 100M teste_platform.git

Using repo : /root/git/test_platform.git

Scanning packfile for large blobs: 40988
Scanning packfile for large blobs completed in 399 ms.
Found 1 blob ids for large blobs - biggest=831840385 smallest=831840385
Total size (unpacked)=831840385
Found 2035 objects to protect
Found 11 commit-pointing refs : HEAD, refs/heads/1.0, refs/heads/2.0, ...

Protected commits

These are your protected commits, and so their contents will NOT be altered:

 * commit c29aaebc (protected by 'HEAD')


Found 3033 commits
Cleaning commits:       100% (3033/3033)
Cleaning commits completed in 3,132 ms.

Updating 9 Refs

	Ref                            Before     After   
	refs/heads/1.0               | 9946f30e | 1061784c
	refs/heads/2.0               | 6f785e38 | d35b8d02
	refs/heads/2.0.1             | c7c0f78f | f6301bc2
	refs/heads/2.0.2             | 95e84f46 | 63b5b52c
	refs/heads/2.0_old_data_init | ce6f2ed5 | 7aab195d
	refs/heads/2.1               | 23de2649 | c79db6f1
	refs/heads/2.2               | 888d6788 | 78992301
	refs/heads/jackson2.0        | f3ceaeb7 | b6385e46
	refs/heads/master            | c29aaebc | ef8303e0

Updating references:    100% (9/9)
...Ref update completed in 34 ms.

Commit Tree-Dirt History

	Earliest                                              Latest
	|                                                          |

	D = dirty commits (file tree fixed)
	m = modified commits (commit message or parents changed)
	. = clean commits (no changes to file tree)

	                        Before     After   
	First modified commit | 617d6384 | f429dac1
	Last dirty commit     | 23d27082 | 793baa8f

Deleted files

	Filename            Git id             
	NFA100_E_Demo.swf | 6384bcec (793.3 MB)

In total, 2695 object ids were changed. Full details are logged here:


BFG run is complete! When ready, run: git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

You can rewrite history in Git - don't let Trump do it for real!
Trump's administration has lied consistently, to make people give up on ever
being told the truth. Don't give up:

工具处理完成 我们进入仓库确认修改

[root@test git]# cd test_platform.git
[root@test renice_platform.git]# git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
Counting objects: 40988, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (33540/33540), done.
Writing objects: 100% (40988/40988), done.
Total 40988 (delta 20879), reused 17182 (delta 0)


[root@test renice_platform.git]# git push
Username for 'http://localhost': blank
Password for 'http://blank@localhost': 
Counting objects: 39262, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (11869/11869), done.
Writing objects: 100% (38968/38968), 65.95 MiB | 36.73 MiB/s, done.
Total 38968 (delta 20076), reused 38860 (delta 19980)
To http://localhost:3000/storlead/renice_platform.git
 + 9946f30...1061784 1.0 -> 1.0 (forced update)
 + 6f785e3...d35b8d0 2.0 -> 2.0 (forced update)
 + c7c0f78...f6301bc 2.0.1 -> 2.0.1 (forced update)
 + 95e84f4...63b5b52 2.0.2 -> 2.0.2 (forced update)
 + ce6f2ed...7aab195 2.0_old_data_init -> 2.0_old_data_init (forced update)
 + 23de264...c79db6f 2.1 -> 2.1 (forced update)
 + 888d678...7899230 2.2 -> 2.2 (forced update)
 + f3ceaeb...b6385e4 jackson2.0 -> jackson2.0 (forced update)
 + c29aaeb...ef8303e master -> master (forced update)

可以看到现在仓库只有 83MB 了

[root@test git]# du --max-depth=1 -h
70M	./renice_platform.git
236K	./renice_platform.git.bfg-report

参见 BFG Repo-Cleaner
